What are the Types of Handball Shots ?

What are the Types of Handball Shots ?


In handball; the ability to think quickly, act quickly and use the right techniques is important. Shot types are one of the most important elements of handball. In this article, information will be given about handball shot types and each shot technique will be explained in detail.

What are the Shot Types in Handball ?

Inside Shot: Inside shot is one of the shooting techniques most frequently used by handball players. This type of shot is performed with a quick hand movement. The player grasps the ball with his palm and throws it in an upward motion. An inside shot, when performed quickly and accurately, can surprise the goalkeeper and result in a goal.

Outside Shot: Outside shot is a type of shot in which the ball is thrown with the player's outside hand. This shot is often used to distract defenders or mislead the goalkeeper. The player grasps the ball with his outer hand and tries to score a goal by throwing it quickly.


Corner Shot: A corner shot is a type of shot made from the corner of the handball court. This shot is usually used during a fast break. The player throws the ball quickly from the corner area and tries to score a goal. A corner shot increases the chances of scoring a goal by pushing the goalkeeper into the corner.

Jump Shot: A jump shot is a type of shot in which the player jumps on the handball court and throws the ball. This shot allows the player to gain more strength and height. The player throws the ball at the moment of bounce and sends it towards the goal. The jump shot reduces the chances of defenders blocking and increases the likelihood of scoring.

Hip Shot: Hip shot is a type of shot where the player hits the ball using his hips. This shot is a type of shot that is usually made quickly. The player grasps the ball with his hip and tries to score a goal by throwing it with a quick movement. The hip shot makes it harder for defenders to block and increases the chances of scoring.

Half Shot: A half shot is a type of shot in which the player throws the ball at half height with one hand. This shot is a technique used during a fast break. The player tries to score a goal by grasping the ball with one hand and throwing it quickly. The half shot is used to increase the pace of play rather than surprising the goalkeeper and scoring a quick goal.

Wrapped Shot: Wrapped shot is a type of shot that the player throws by keeping the ball close to his body. This shot is often used to relieve pressure from defenders and protect the ball. The player keeps the ball close to his body and tries to score a goal by throwing it with a quick movement.

Handball shot types are important for players to improve their technical skills and adapt to different situations. A good handball player knows how to use these shot types and can choose the right technique at the right time.

As a result, handball shot types help players improve their ability to think quickly, move quickly and use the right techniques. Various techniques such as inside shot, outside shot, corner shot, jump shot, hip shot, half shot and wrapped shot increase players' attacking power and exceed their ability to defend the goal.

Remember, in order to use handball shot types successfully, it is important to t

rain regularly, learn the correct techniques and adapt to different situations in the game. By skillfully using handball shot types, you can perform effectively in the game.


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