What are the Tennis Game Rules ?

What are the Tennis Game Rules ?

What are the Tennis Game Rules ?

Tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world. Tennis is known as a sport that is both competitive and enjoyable. Played between two or four players, this game allows you to use strategy and tactics while testing your physical abilities. The game of tennis is guided by certain rules and a correct understanding of these rules allows you to enjoy the game. In this article, you will learn the basic rules of tennis and get some tips to improve your performance.

What are tennis court dimensions ?

The court is 23.78 meters long and 10.97 meters wide. The width is 8.23 meters for singles and 10.97 meters for doubles. The service line is 6.40 meters from the net. Extra spaces are needed at the edges of the court so that players can turn the balls.

These spaces are 18.3 meters wide and 36.7 meters long in total. A net is stretched across the width of the court, parallel to the player lines, dividing the playing field equally into two. The net is highest at 1.07 meters in the edge areas and drops to 0.914 meters in the middle section. The net posts are located 0.914 meters outside the side lines.

What are the Tennis Game Rules ?


What are Tennis Ball Dimensions ?

The tennis ball is approximately 6.7 cm (2.63 inches) in size. Tennis balls, in which yellow is the major color, can actually be in any color, but colors other than yellow are not preferred by the professional community. Tennis balls are covered with fibrous felt. The use of this type of material provides aerodynamic benefits to the tennis ball. Additionally, there are two thick white lines surrounding the tennis ball from the top and bottom.

What are the Features of Tennis Racket?

Racquet Size: Tennis rackets are 27 inches tall for adults, provided that they remain within maximal limits. (1 inch:2.54cm and 27'' = 68.58cm)

Racquet Weight: Rackets generally weigh between 250-350 grams. Rackets weighing 250-280 grams are considered light, 280-310 grams are considered medium, and rackets larger than 310 grams are considered heavy rackets.

What is the Purpose of Tennis ?

Within the framework of the rules, throwing the ball to the opposite court through the racket in a way that the opponent cannot meet, also trying to effectively meet the ball sent to our side by the opponent.

How many sets of tennis can be played over how many points ?

In tennis played over 3 sets or 5 sets, the one who wins 2 sets in matches played over 3 sets wins the match, while the one who wins 3 sets in matches played over 5 sets wins the match. The side that reaches six games wins the set if there is at least a 2 game difference between them and the opposing side. For example, 6-0, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4 etc. The set does not end with 6-5, because the difference is 1 game. Either one of the players must finish the set by making 7-5, or the other player is entitled to a tie-break by making 6-6. Tie-Break means determining the outcome of the set (like 7-6). During the tie-break game, players change ends every six points.

It takes 6 games to win a set. To win 1 game, 4 points must be scored. The points in 1 game are as follows: The match initially starts with 0-0. Then, as each point is taken, it goes 15-30-40 and Game Point. When the score in a game is 40-40 (deuce), the player who scores the next first point does not win the game, but only gains an advantage. If the athlete who has the advantage scores one more point, he wins that game. When the same draw occurs again, the same rule continues to apply. The opponent of the athlete who serves unsuccessfully twice in a row wins 1 point. (Double Fault)


In what situations can points be won in tennis ?

If the opponent athlete cannot return the ball after the service is successful. (ace)

If the opposing player puts the ball into the net (in his own court) or throws it outside the game boundary line.

If the ball falls on one of the athletes' court and bounces at least twice or more without being able to respond with the racket.

If our opponent makes a serving error twice in a row (double fault)

The opponent's racket hits the ball at least twice or the ball hits his body.

After the opponent hits the ball, the opponent's racket passes over the net.

If so, the point is won.

What are the Other Rules in Tennis?

Before the match, the athletes who will start the match and the fields are determined by drawing lots. The service is first made from the right side of the center line, in this case the opponent waits for the service diagonally in the opposite field. (the service must be thrown diagonally) The next service is made from the left side of the center line, again the receiver waits diagonally in the opposite field. In the service, the ball must first fall into the compartment 6.40 meters away from the net to the opponent's court area. The athlete who makes two consecutive service errors loses 1 point.

The athlete who serves in the first game becomes the receiver in the next game, and the player who receives the serve becomes the server.

In what situations is the serve repeated in tennis ?

The serve is retaken if one of the following occurs:

a. If the served ball falls into the correct service square after hitting the net, middle band or net band, or if it hits the opponent or partner or an object they are carrying or wearing before falling to the ground after hitting the net, middle band or net band;


b. If the service is made while the receiving player is not ready. In a repeat service, only the service made is not counted and the server serves the same service again, but the previous service remains the same.

What are the Tennis Game Rules ?


When to Change Courts in Tennis ?

Players change ends at the end of the first, third, fifth and subsequent odd-numbered games of each set. Players change ends after each set unless the set ends with an even score. In such a case, the players change ends after the first game of the next set.

How Many Timeouts Are There in Tennis ?

In the singles category, players can take 1 time-out in a 3-set match and 2 time-outs in a 5-set match. In doubles matches, each team is entitled to two (2) timeouts. If the partners leave the court together, this is considered one of the two timeouts (1).

What is the Serve Return Order in the Doubles Game in Tennis ?

The receiving team in the first game decides who will score the first point before the first game starts. Likewise, before the second game starts, the other team decides who will score the first point. The partner of the player who received the service for the first point receives the service for the second point. This alternation sequence continues until the game and set are over. After the serve is returned, both players on the team can hit the ball.

Question and Answer: Can a player of the doubles team play alone against his opponents? Answer is no.

How Many Referees Are There in Tennis?

There are a total of 13 referees in the tennis game who must undertake various duties.

1 referee (sitting on the high chair)

1 head referee (sits on the sidelines)

2 foot fault referees (one on each side)

1 net referee

2 line judges horizontally

6 line judges vertical

How Are Penalties Applied in Tennis ?

a) Preventing the continuity of the game and delaying the game, not starting the game within 30 seconds despite the referee's warning to start the game at the end of the warm-up period, not starting the game within 30 seconds after the end of a point and despite the next warning, maximum time between the end of a point and the start of the next point. Not starting the game within 30 seconds, or not starting the game within 90 seconds, which is the maximum time during the field change.

b) Swearing loudly and using bad words.

c) Engaging in obscene and shameful acts.

d) Deliberately throwing the ball outside the field boundaries, kicking the ball in anger, throwing the ball dangerously at field officials or spectators.

e) Being verbally aggressive.

f) Physically attacking field officials, opponents, spectators or other people with objects.

g) Throwing a racket and causing damage to the surroundings.

h) Acting unsportsmanlike.

i) Using drugs and similar drugs that are prohibited by law.

Any of the actions contrary to the above rules;

- When it is done for the first time, that player is cautioned by the referee.

- When it is done for the second time, the referee gives ONE POINT to that player's opponent,

- When it is done for the third time, the referee gives ONE PLAY to that player's opponent.

- If it is done for the fourth time, that player will be expelled from the game by the referee.

Points and game penalties can only be given by the referee in consultation with the head referee. After the sending-off penalty is given, the referee declares the result of the match as follows: Game, set and match 3/6 6/3 6/3 4/2 forfeit.

Terms Related to Tennis

COURT: The name given to the field where tennis is played.

DOUBLE FAULT: It is a service error made twice in a row.

FOREHAND: Strikes made with the inside of the hand in racquet sports.

BACKHAND: Shots made with the outside of the hand in racquet sports.

TIE-BREAK: The last set in which the winner will be determined as a result of the set going to overtime.

ACE: Scoring a point by not allowing the opponent to touch the ball in any way after the service is made. -Winning points directly with a serve-

DEUCE: A tie situation that requires the player to win two points to win the game. (40-40)


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