What are the Rules of Volleyball ?

What are the Rules of Volleyball?

What are the Rules of Volleyball ?

Volleyball is a popular team sport played between two teams. Played at both a recreational and professional level, this sport is known for its fast-paced movements and exciting shots. In this article, we will consider the basic rules of volleyball in detail.

Volleyball Court Dimensions and Equipment

The volleyball court is rectangular in shape and is 18 meters long and 9 meters wide. There is a 3 meter line equidistant from midfield to both sides. There is one team on each side of the field.

Additionally, there are volleyball poles of equal height on both sides of the field. The poles were connected with a net and a 1 meter wide gap was left in the middle. While the official net height for men is 2.43cm, it is 2.24cm for female athletes.

The equipment required for the volleyball game is as follows:

Volleyball ball: A standard volleyball ball is 65-67 cm in circumference and weighs 260-280 grams.

Volleyball Court: An area of 18x9 meters drawn on a smooth ground is needed.

Volleyball Poles: They are placed on both sides of the field and provide stability to the net.

Net: It is hung on volleyball poles and divides the field into two equal halves.

Game Objectives

The main purpose of the volleyball game is to score points by dropping the ball into the opponent's team's court (inside the area bordered by the line, including the line). Each team aims to pass the ball over the net and into the opposing team's court. The opposing team tries to return the ball by receiving it. The game continues until the ball hits the ground.

What are the Rules of Volleyball?


Duration of the Game and Number of Players of the Teams

The volleyball game is played with a certain number of sets and each set reaching a certain point limit. Traditionally, matches are played over 2 won sets, while professional matches can be played over 3 won sets. Each set is won by the team that reaches a certain point limit (25 points). In order for the set to end, a team must be at least 2 points ahead of its opponent when it reaches 25 points. For example, when the score in the set reaches 24-24, the game extends to 26, and with the same logic, when the score reaches 30-30, the game extends to 32. With this logic, the set continues until one team gains a two-point lead.

If the situation is a draw in the sets, such as 1-1 or 2-2, the tie break set that will determine the winner is played over 15 points. When a team reaches 8 points in a tie break set, the courts are swapped.

How Many People Can Play Volleyball ?

Each team plays with 6 players on the field: three forwards (attackers) and three backs (defenders). Teams may make substitutions between sets and in certain situations. Positions in volleyball are 1-2-3-4-5-6.

Rules for Starting and Continuing the Volleyball Game

The volleyball game starts with the serve. The server tries to throw the ball from the service line to the opponent's court. The service ball is allowed to touch the net and pass to the other court, but if it gets stuck in the net and lands in its own court, the service is a fault and the opposing team scores a point.

The team that wins a point after serving has the right to serve again until it loses a point. The team assigned the right to serve will rotate 1 position clockwise.

Teams try to pass the ball in their own field a maximum of three times and send it back to the opposing team. (It is not considered a block pass and in this case, there may be a chance to hit it 4 times) During this process, each player has the right to touch the ball respectively and the ball cannot be hit twice consecutively. (An athlete cannot block the ball. If he did, he can complete his own ball, this situation is not considered as two passes)

How Many Time Outs Are There in Volleyball ?

Volleyball rules state that each team is entitled to a maximum of 2 timeouts during a set. However, some leagues or organizations may grant teams the right to 3 time-outs.

The right to time-out can be used at any stage of the set. At any time of pause during the game (beginning of the set, between sets, technical breaks, player changes), the team's coach may request a time-out.

Each break usually lasts between 30 seconds and 1 minute.

During the break, team players listen to the coaches' instructions and review tactical strategies. Additionally, players are provided with an opportunity to relax and increase their motivation.

What are the Rules of Volleyball?


How Many Player Substitutions Are There in Volleyball ?

Each team has the right to 6 substitutions per set. (Libero substitutions are unlimited and do not affect the number 6). These substitutions can be made between different player positions, but when a substitution is made and a player goes out, the outside player can be replaced by the same player inside if he is to re-enter the game.

In summary; A player in the starting lineup can leave the game only once in a set and can replace his previous position in the lineup only once in a set.

A substitute player may replace a player in the starting lineup once in a set and may only replace the same starting player.

Cast changes can occur at any stage of the set. The team's coach may request a substitution at any time during the game (beginning of the set, between sets, technical breaks, break periods).

During substitutions, players must enter the field in a certain order and order with the player entering or leaving the game. For example, players often enter according to rotation order.

It is important that players listen to the coaches' instructions during substitutions and move correctly to the positions they will enter.

Substitutions provide teams with flexibility and provide opportunities for players to rest or make tactical changes. However, each team's number of substitutions may vary depending on tournament or league rules. Therefore, I recommend that you consult relevant resources to learn the substitution rules that apply in a specific organization.

Errors and Penalty Rules

Some mistakes can be made in volleyball and these mistakes bring certain penalties. Here are some common volleyball mistakes and penalty rules:

Don't touch the net: If a player touches the net while kicking the ball, he makes a mistake and the opposing team scores a point.

Carry: A carry error occurs when the ball is grasped by the player's palm or is not kicked quickly enough.

Double touch: A player commits a fault if he hits the ball twice in succession.

Attacking mistakes: A mistake is made if the player shoots the ball downwards before the net to pass it to the opponent's court.

Back Line Attack: Position players 1-5-6 in the back line attack from within the 3 meter line. (These players can attack from outside the 3 meter line.)

This is just a summary of the basic rules of volleyball. We recommend that you consult the official volleyball rules for more comprehensive information. Volleyball is a fun and exciting team sport, and understanding its rules will make the game more enjoyable.

What are the Player Position Types in Volleyball ?

Setter: The player of the team who organizes the attacks and puts the ball into play.

Spikers: Players who are effective in attack and send the ball to the opponent's field with hard hits.

Middle players: Players who are effective both in attack and blocking. They often support attacks while preventing blocks.

Libero: Player who specializes in defense and reception. In volleyball, the libero can replace other players in non-serve play. (except front row players)

This provides a more detailed information about the basic rules of volleyball. For more comprehensive information, I recommend consulting the official volleyball rules. Volleyball is a tactical team sport and is a fast-paced and exciting game. Understanding the rules will help you enjoy the game more.


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